Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Scenes from The PInballs

Alyssa, Gabby, Claire, Jamie, Maria and Kiryna wrote scenes based on the book, The Pinballs by Betsy Byars. Each scriptwriter also cast, directed and introduced their scene. The plays were performed as reader's theater with script in hand for the fifth grade.
Carlie, Thomas J and Harvey are three children who have found themselves in foster care living with a kind woman named Mrs. Mason. Carlie, has lived in a few different foster homes and is cynical about this new home. Mrs. Mason knows in her heart that Carlie is a strong young woman who can help the two younger boys. Carlie's reply to Mrs. Mason spoke to our hearts and had us hoping that Carlie would find a different experience in this new foster home. "No, you listen. Harvey and me and Thomas J are just like pinballs. Somebody put in a dime and punched a button and out we came, ready or not, and settled in the same groove. That's all." She looked at Mrs. Mason. "Now you don't see pinballs helping each other, do you?"
The scenes written by our fifth grade writers focus in on pivotal moments in this story when the characters realized the strength they have whether it is the ability to show kindness and tenderness or grit in facing their challenges and forging strong connections and bonds with each other. Our audience of fifth grader students were moved by the portrayals of this story.

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